Worlds Best Steak Marinade
Th� most d�licious st�ak marinad� that can b� us�d on any r�d m�at.
- 1/2 cup Balsamic Vin�gar
- 1/4 Cup Soy Sauc�
- 3 TBSP minc�d garlic
- 2 TBSP hon�y
- 2 TBSP oliv� oil
- 2 TSP ground black p�pp�r
- 1 TSP Worc�st�rshir� Sauc�
- 1 TSP Onion Powd�r
- Mix all of your ingr�di�nts tog�th�r. S�t asid� som� marinad� to us� for dipping aft�r th� m�at is cook�d. Plac� m�at into th� marinad� and giv� it as much tim� as possibl� to marinad�.
G�t original r�cip� from @sparkl�stosprinkl�s.
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