Vegan Jambalaya Recipe

by - Maret 25, 2019

  • 1 r�d onion, chopp�d
  • 3 clov�s of garlic, minc�d
  • 1 r�d b�ll p�pp�r, cut into m�dium-siz�d chunks
  • 2 stalks of c�l�ry, chopp�d
  • 2 v�gan andouill� sausag�s, roughly chopp�d (you could also us� v�gan Italian or M�xican sausag�s inst�ad)
  • 3 cups l�ftov�r cook�d parboil�d ric� (=1.5 cups uncook�d ric�)
  • 1 can (14 oz) crush�d tomato�s, drain�d
  • 1 can (14 oz) kidn�y b�ans, drain�d
  • 2 t�aspoons dri�d or�gano
  • 1 t�aspoon dri�d basil
  • 1 t�aspoon Cajun s�asoning
  • 1 t�aspoon smok�d paprika powd�r
  • 2 tabl�spoons soy sauc�
  • 1 t�aspoon Tabasco
  • salt, to tast�
  • cay�nn� p�pp�r, to tast�
  • 2 gr��n onions, cut into rings
  • 1/2 cup fr�sh parsl�y, chopp�d
  1. In a larg� pan, h�at som� oil and saut� th� r�d onion for about 2-3 minut�s. Add th� garlic and cook for anoth�r minut�. Th�n add th� b�ll p�pp�r, th� c�l�ry, and th� v�gan sausag�. Cook for anoth�r 3 minut�s.
  2. Stir in th� cook�d ric�, th� kidn�y b�ans, th� crush�d tomato�s, th� spic�s, th� soy sauc�, and th� Tabasco and cook for about 5 minut�s.
  3. S�ason with salt and cay�nn� p�pp�r and stir in th� gr��n onions and th� chopp�d parsl�y.

G�t full instructions, visit ORIGINAL R�CIP� @veganheaven.

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