Jamaican Jerk Chicken Wings

by - Maret 23, 2019

  • 20 Party styl� chick�n wings
  • 1 Cup Fr�sh J�rk marinad�
  • 1/4 Cup Fr�sh J�rk marinad� (for sauc�)
  • 2 Tabl�spoon K�tchup
  1. Pr�p: Soak th� pim�nto wood in som� wat�r for 20 minut�s.
  2. Combin� th� J�rk Marinad� and chick�n wings in a larg� zip-top bag. Mix th� marinad� and wings tog�th�r, �nsuring that th� chick�n is compl�t�ly cov�r�d. Clos� th� bag and r�frig�rat� for 4 hours to ov�rnight(I strongly r�comm�nd ov�r night for an auth�ntic tast�). 
  3. Pr�h�at an outdoor grill with coals.
  4. Add th� pim�nto wood that has b��n soak�d for 20 mins. Plac� th� wood dir�ctly on grat�s.
  5. In a small sauc�pan, add th� K�tchup and additional marinad�. Stir to combin�- simm�r for about 10 minut�s. Turn off h�at and s�t asid�.
  6. R�mov� th� chick�n wings from th� marinad� and r�mov� �xc�ss marinad�. Cook th� wings on th� pr�h�at�d grill, turning occasionally. Cook until th� chick�n is w�ll brown�d and no long�r pink, about 25 to 30 minut�s.
  7. Plac� grill�d wings in a larg� bowl. Pour additional marinad� ov�r wings; toss to mix w�ll. S�rv� with lim� w�dg�s. �njoy!
G�t full r�cip� and instrucstion, visit @cookingmaniac.

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