Oven Baked Chicken Wings

by - Maret 04, 2019

  • 3 lbs chick�n wings
  • Salt and p�pp�r
  • 2 tbsp v�g�tabl� oil
  • 1/2 cup soy sauc�
  • 2 tbsp bbq sauc�
  • 1 cup hon�y
  • 4 clov�s garlic, minc�d
  • gr��n onions, for garnish, optional
  1. Pr�h�at ov�n to 350F.
  2. Plac� a pi�c� of aluminum foil on a baking sh��t and gr�as� with cooking spray. Spr�ad chick�n wings in a singl� lay�r on baking sh��t. S�ason with salt and p�pp�r.
  3. In a bowl, stir tog�th�r v�g�tabl� oil, soy sauc�, bbq sauc�, hon�y and garlic. Pour ov�r chick�n wings to coat th�m thoroughly.
  4. Bak� for 50 minut�s or until fully cook�d and sauc� has caram�liz�d. Sprinkl� with gr��n onions, if d�sir�d.

G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit @simplystacie.

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