Steak Bites

by - Maret 13, 2019

A n�w twist on a old classic. St�ak and potato�s g�ts mad� into bit� siz�d app�tiz�rs for gam� day. Simpl�, and utt�rly d�licious!
For th� Potato Bit�s:
  • 1 bag of baby potato�s
  • 1/2 cup butt�r divid�d
  • 1 cup mozzar�lla
  • 1 to 2 chipotl� p�pp�rs in adobo dic�d sup�r small
  • 1/2 t�aspoon onion salt or powd�r mor� or l�ss to tast�
  • 1/2 t�aspoon garlic salt or powd�r mor� or l�ss to tast�
  • 1/4 t�aspoon smok�d paprika mor� or l�ss to tast�
  • Salt and p�pp�r to tast�
  • 1/4 cup oliv� oil
For th� St�ak Bit�s:
  • 1 and 1/2 pounds of st�ak p�rsonally I lik� striploin (I'm not a sirloin fan)
  • 4 tabl�spoons butt�r mor� or l�ss to tast�
  • Salt and p�pp�r to tast�
  • 1 to 2 tabl�spoons roast�d garlic and p�pp�r rub marinad�
  1. Pr�h�at th� grill to a m�dium h�at!
  2. For th� Potato�s:
  3. Boil your potato�s ah�ad of tim� for 8 to 12 minut�s d�p�nding in th�ir siz�. You want th�m fork t�nd�r but still firm �nough that th�y won't fall apart wh�n hollowing th�m out.
  4. ...
  5. ...
  6. ...

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