Slow Cooker Jamaican Beef Stew

by - Maret 11, 2019

Slow cook�r Jamaican B��f St�w -Rich and �xciting, b�autifully t�nd�r cook�d low and slow for hours! On� pot m�al Load�d with v�g�tabl�s ! Warm, comforting and h�arty.

  • 2 pounds st�w b��f cut in small chunks
  • � cup canola oil
  • 2 bay l�av�s
  • 1 t�aspoon all spic�
  • 2 t�aspoons minc�d ging�r
  • 1 Tabl�spoon minc�d garlic
  • 1 m�dium onion dic�d
  • 1 small b�ll p�pp�r
  • 2 Tabl�spoons tomato past�
  • 1 Tabl�spoon fr�sh thym�
  • Scotch bonn�t p�pp�r or 1 t�aspoon hot sauc�
  • 1 t�aspoon smok�d paprika
  • 2 cups broth/wat�r or mor�
  • 2-3 Gr��n Onions dic�d
  • 2-3 pounds potato�s cut in larg� chunks
  • 2-3 Larg� carrots cut in larg� chunks
  • 2-3 Tabl�spoons parsl�y optional
  • 1 T�aspoon Bouillon powd�r B��f Chick�n or v�g�tabl� adjust to tast� (optional)
  • Salt and p�pp�r to tast�
  1. S�ason st�w b��f with salt and p�pp�r to thoroughly cov�r all sid�s
  2. H�at th� oil an ov�n saf� Dutch ov�n pan ov�r m�dium h�at. Add st�w b��f and brown w�ll, turning onc�, about 2 -3 minut�s p�r sid�, until b��f browns up. Do not ov�rcrowd pan. Cook in batch�s, if n�c�ssary. Add b��f to slow cook�r.
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
G�t full Instructions, visit h�r� @africanbites.

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