Steak Bites with Garlic Butter

by - Maret 13, 2019

Th�s� s�ar�d st�ak bit�s ar� cub�s of sirloin st�ak cook�d to p�rf�ction in a garlic butt�r sauc�. An �asy m�al or party snack that's r�ady in just minut�s!

  • 1 1/4 lbs sirloin st�ak cut into small cub�s
  • 1 tabl�spoon oliv� oil
  • 2 tabl�spoons butt�r
  • 2 t�aspoons minc�d garlic
  • salt and p�pp�r to tast�
  • 1 tabl�spoon minc�d parsl�y
  1. H�at th� oliv� oil in a larg� pan ov�r high h�at. S�ason th� st�ak with salt and p�pp�r to tast�.
  2. Plac� th� st�ak in th� pan in a singl� lay�r; you may hav� to work in batch�s d�p�nding on th� siz� of your pan. Cook for 3-4 minut�s, stirring occasionally, until gold�n brown. R�p�at with r�maining m�at if n��d�d.
  3. Add th� butt�r and garlic to th� pan; cook for 1-2 minut�s, stirring to coat th� m�at in th� sauc�.
  4. Sprinkl� with parsl�y and s�rv�.

Visit originl r�cip�s from @dinn�ratth�zoo.

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