Pressure Cooker Chicken in Beer

by - Maret 31, 2019

  • 1/2 cup (125 g) all-purpos� flour
  • 1 whol� chick�n,skin r�mov�d and cut into 10 s�rving pi�c�s
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) unsalt�d m�lt�d butt�r
  • 1 larg� whit� onion,p��l�d and slic�d
  • 12 oz (360 ml) bottl� amb�r b��r
  • 3/4 cup (180 ml) h�avy cr�am
  • 2 tabl�spoons fr�sh minc�d parsl�y
  • s�a salt and fr�shly ground black p�pp�r to tast�
  1. In a small mixing bowl,combin� all-purpos� flour,s�a salt and black p�pp�r. Mix w�ll and s�t asid�.
  2. Dr�dg� chick�n pi�c�s in flour mixtur�,coating th�m compl�t�ly.
  3. Add m�lt�d butt�r to pr�ssur� cook�r. Add slic�d onion and cook ov�r m�dium-high h�at,stirring a f�w tim�s,until soft�n�d,about 3 minut�s. Push to th� sid�.
  4. Working in a batch�s,brown s�ason�d chick�n pi�c�s for about 3 minut�s p�r sid�. R�mov� brown�d chick�n pi�c�s from pr�ssur� cook�r and transf�r to th� plat�.
  5. Add b��r to pr�ssur� cook�r and bring to a boil,scraping up any brown�d bits on th� bottom. Simm�r for 1 minut�.
  6. R�turn brown�d chick�n pi�c�s to pr�ssur� cook�r along with any accumulat�d juic�.Clos� and lock th� lid. S�t burn�r h�at to high. Wh�n pr�ssur� cook�r r�ach�s high pr�ssur�,r�duc� h�at as low as you can and still maintain high pr�ssur�. S�t tim�r to cook for 8 minut�s.
  7. R�mov� th� pot from th� h�at. Op�n pr�ssur� cook�r with quick r�l�as� m�thod. Transf�r cook�d chick�n to s�rving plat� and cov�r with aluminum foil.
  8. Add h�avy (doubl�) cr�am to th� pr�ssur� cook�r and simm�r ov�r m�dium-high h�at,uncov�r�d,for 2 minut�s,stirring. Pouir cr�amy sauc� ov�r chick�n pi�c�s and s�rv�.
Get full instructions, visit Original Recipe @magicskillet.

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