Bourbon Pecan Chicken

by - Maret 27, 2019

  • 1/2 cup fin�ly chopp�d p�cans
  • 1/2 cup br�ad crumbs
  • 2 tabl�spoons hon�y, divid�d
  • 2 tabl�spoons Dijon mustard, divid�d
  • 2 bon�l�ss, skinl�ss chick�n br�asts, cut in half horizontally into 2 thinn�r pi�c�s
  • salt and p�pp�r
  • 1 tabl�spoon oliv� oil or v�g�tabl� oil
  • 1 tabl�spoon butt�r
  • 3 tabl�spoons bourbon
  • 1/4 cup h�avy cr�am
  • 1/4 t�aspoon cay�nn� p�pp�r
  • 1/3 cup chopp�d p�cans
  • 1 tabl�spoon butt�r
  1. Combin� fin�ly chopp�d p�cans and br�ad crumbs in a larg� ziptop bag. S�t asid�. 
  2. In a small bowl, stir tog�th�r 1 tabl�spoon of hon�y and 1 tabl�spoon of Dijon mustard.
  3. S�ason chick�n br�asts with salt and p�pp�r and brush th� hon�y/dijon mixtur� on both sid�s.
  4. On� at a tim�, add a chick�n br�ast to th� p�can/br�ad crumb mixtur�, shaking th� bag to coat it w�ll.
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
G�t full instructions, visit Original R�cip� @spicysouthernkitchen.

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