One Pan French Onion Chicken

by - Maret 09, 2019

Saucy on� pan Fr�nch onion chick�n with juicy pan-s�ar�d chick�n smoth�r�d in caram�liz�d onion gravy and thr�� kinds of m�lty Italian ch��s�. This 30 minut� m�al will b� a stapl� in your hous�!

  • 2 m�dium y�llow onions, thinly slic�d into rings
  • 3 tabl�spoons butt�r
  • 1 cup plus 3 tabl�spoons b��f broth, divid�d
  • 4 bon�l�ss skinl�ss chick�n br�asts, pound�d to �v�n thickn�ss
  • 1 tabl�spoon oil
  • salt and p�pp�r to tast�
  • 1 t�aspoon Italian bl�nd h�rbs/Italian s�asoning (OR 1/4 t�aspoon dri�d basil + 1/4 t�aspoon dri�d thym� + 1/2 t�aspoon dri�d or�gano)
  • 2 tabl�spoons flour
  • 4 slic�s provolon� ch��s�
  • 4 slic�s swiss ch��s�
  • 3/4 cup parm�san ch��s�
  • fr�sh thym� or parsl�y and crack�d black p�pp�r for topping (optional)
  1. Pr�h�at ov�n to bak� at 400 d�gr��s OR broil on low. In a larg� ov�n-saf� skill�t (s�� not�) ov�r m�dium-high h�at, m�lt butt�r. Add onions and 3 tabl�spoons b��f broth and saut� onions for 3-4 minut�s until transluc�nt. Continu� to cook, stirring occasionally so th� onions don't burn, for about 15 minut�s long�r until brown�d and v�ry t�nd�r. Us� tongs or a fork to transf�r to a bowl and cov�r to k��p warm.
  2. ...
  3. ...
  4. ...

G�t full instructions, visit h�r� @lecremedelacrumb.

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