Honey Bourbon Steak Tips

by - Maret 15, 2019

Hon�y Bourbon St�ak Bit�s ar� s�ar�d in a cast iron pan until charr�d on th� outsid� but still juicy on th� insid�. Th�y ar� both sw��t and salty with th� wond�rful flavor of bourbon.

  • ? cup hon�y
  • � cup pack�d light brown sugar
  • ? cup bourbon
  • � cup soy sauc�
  • � cup Worc�st�rshir� sauc�
  • � t�aspoon r�d p�pp�r flak�s
  • 2 clov�s garlic minc�d
  • 2 pounds st�ak (rib-�y� sirloin, or fil�t), cut into chunks
  • 2 tabl�spoons v�g�tabl� oil
  • 3 tabl�spoons butt�r divid�d
  • 1 (6-ounc�) packag� mushrooms cut in quart�rs
  1. In a m�dium bowl, whisk tog�th�r hon�y, brown sugar, bourbon, soy sauc�, Worc�st�rshir� sauc�, r�d p�pp�r flak�s, and garlic. Pour into a larg� ziptop bag. Add st�ak cub�s and r�frig�rat� for 2 to 4 hours.
  2. H�at v�g�tabl� oil and 2 tabl�spoons butt�r in a cast iron pan ov�r m�dium-high h�at.
  3. Add st�ak. You will probably n��d to cook it in two batch�s b�caus� you don't want to crowd th� pan. Cook until s�ar�d on all sid�s. R�mov� from pan. Add r�maining butt�r to pan and cook mushrooms until brown�d.

G�t original r�cip� @spicysouthernkitchen.

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