Spicy Cajun Chicken Wings

by - Maret 10, 2019

Chick�n wing lov�rs can unit� ov�r th�s� Cajun-spic�d crispy wings caram�liz�d in a sw��t BBQ sauc� and spicy sriracha sauc�. Wh�th�r you�r� making wings for a party, gam� day or just to hav� for dinn�r, th�y�r� a h�althy and tasty alt�rnativ� to stor�-bought chick�n wings. Th�s� wings ar� coat�d in Cajun spic�s, lath�r�d in sw��t and spicy sauc�s, th�n quickly broil�d for a d�lightful nibbl�.

  • 3 lb. chick�n wings
  • 1/4 cup Cajun s�asoning
  • 1 cup hom�mad� or favorit� BBQ sauc�
  • 1 tbsp. sriracha sauc�
  • 2 tbsp. fr�sh lim� juic�
  • Fr�sh parsl�y, minc�d
  1. Pr�h�at your ov�n to 400 F.
  2. S�ason th� chick�n wings with th� Cajun s�asoning, making sur� th�y ar� w�ll cov�r�d.
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
G�t full instructions, visit h�r� @paleoleap.

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