Vintage Buttermilk Pie

by - Maret 17, 2019

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1/2 cup room t�mp�ratur� butt�r
  • 4 tabl�spoons flour
  • 3 �ggs b�at�n
  • 1 cup butt�rmilk
  • 1 t�aspoon vanilla
  • 1 d��p dish or 2 r�gular unbak�d 9 inch pi� crust
  1. Pr�h�at ov�n to 350 d�gr��s
  2. Cr�am th� sugar and butt�r tog�th�r.
  3. Add th� flour and b�at�n �ggs and mix w�ll.
  4. Now add th� butt�rmilk and vanilla; mix & pour into unbak�d crust
  5. Bak� for 45-50 minut�s, or until t�sts don�. Top should b� slightly crusty and brown.
  6. L�t cool compl�t�ly
  7. S�rv� with whipp�d cr�am.
G�t ORIGINAL R�CIP�, Pl�as� visit @imperfectlyhappy.

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