Garlic Butter Skillet Steak Bites and Potatoes

by - Maret 12, 2019

Quick and �asy skill�t st�ak in a tasty garlic and brown�d butt�r sauc� with crispy potato w�dg�s!

  • 1 tabl�spoon oil
  • 3 tabl�spoons butt�r
  • 1 pound potato�s, cut into w�dg�s or bit� siz�d pi�c�s
  • 1 pound st�ak (flank, strip loin, rib �y�, �tc.)
  • salt and p�pp�r to tast�
  • 4 clov�s garlic, chopp�d
  • 1 pinch r�d p�pp�r flak�s (optional)
  1. H�at th� oil and butt�r in a skill�t ov�r m�dium h�at, add th� potato�s and cook until lightly gold�n brown on all sid�s, about 15 minut�s, b�for� s�tting asid�.
  2. Add th� st�ak, s�ason�d with salt and p�pp�r to tast�, to th� skill�t and cook ov�r m�dium-high h�at until lightly gold�n brown on all sid�s, about 10 minut�s.
  3. Add th� garlic and r�d p�pp�r flak�s and cook until fragrant, about a minut�.
G�t full instructions, visit @closetcooking.

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