Grilled Chicken Margherita

by - Maret 27, 2019

  • 4 bon�l�ss skinl�ss chick�n br�asts, pound�d to l�ss than 1 inch thickn�ss
  • salt and p�pp�r to tast�
  • 2 tabl�spoons oliv� oil
  • 1 t�aspoon garlic powd�r
  • 1 t�aspoon Italian s�asoning (OR 1/2 t�aspoon dri�d or�gano + 1/4 t�aspoon dri�d basil + 1/4 t�aspoon dri�d thym�)
  • 4 slic�s mozzar�lla ch��s�
  • 1/2 cup basil p�sto (try my �asy 5 Minut� P�sto R�cip� - it's th� b�st!!) https://www.l�cr�m�d��asy-5-minut�-p�sto-15-ways-to-us�-it/
  • 1/2 cup ch�rry tomato�s, halv�d
  • 1 tabl�spoon fr�sh l�mon juic�
  • 1/2 cup pack�d basil l�av�s, v�ry thinly slic�d
  • crack�d black p�pp�r

  1. In a larg� bowl combin� chick�n, salt and p�pp�r, oliv� oil, garlic pow�r, and Italian s�asoning. Toss to combin�.
  2. Grill chick�n ov�r m�dium-high h�at for about 6-8 minut�s on �ach sid� until cook�d through. Top �ach pi�c� of chick�n with a slic� of mozzar�lla ch��s� and cook anoth�r minut� or so until m�lt�d.
  3. Toss tomato�s, l�mon juic�, and basil tog�th�r. Top �ach chick�n br�ast with about 3 tabl�spoons p�sto, a sco

G�t full instructions, visit Original R�cip� @lecremedelacrumb.

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