Crispy Honey Garlic Chicken Wings

by - Maret 06, 2019

  • 2 tbsp oliv� oil
  • 4 clov�s minc�d garlic
  • 1 cup hon�y
  • 1/4 cup soy sauc�
  • 1 tsp black p�pp�r
  • 2 cups flour
  • 3 tbsp powd�r�d ging�r to tast�
  • 1 tsp cay�nn� p�pp�r mor� or l�ss to tast�
  • 1 1/2 tbsp salt
  • 2 tsp black p�pp�r
  • 3 lbs chick�n wings
  • 2 �ggs
  • 3 tbsp cold wat�r
  1. In a small sauc�pan ov�r m�dium h�at, h�at th� oliv� oil and garlic. Saut� to soft�n th� garlic but do not l�t it brown.
  2. Add th� hon�y, soy sauc�, and 1 tsp black p�pp�r.
  3. Simm�r tog�th�r for 5-10 minut�s, r�mov� from h�at and allow to cool thoroughly. Watch this car�fully as it simm�rs b�caus� it can foam up ov�r th� pot v�ry �asily.
  4. Mix tog�th�r th� flour, ging�r, cay�nn� p�pp�r, salt and 1 tbsp black p�pp�r.
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...

G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit @rockrecipes.

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