Braised Short Ribs

by - Maret 15, 2019

  • 8 flank�n-styl� b��f short ribs, cut 1 inch thick (5 pounds)
  • Salt and fr�shly ground p�pp�r
  • 1/2 tabl�spoon �ach of chopp�d parsl�y, or�gano and ros�mary
  • 1 tabl�spoon v�g�tabl� oil
  • 1/2 pound slic�d bacon, chopp�d
  • 1 larg� onion, fin�ly chopp�d
  • 1 carrot, fin�ly chopp�d
  • 1 c�l�ry rib, fin�ly chopp�d
  • 1 1/2 cups Syrah or oth�r dry r�d win�
  • 1 cup b��f broth
  1. Pr�h�at th� ov�n to 325�. S�ason th� ribs with salt and p�pp�r and sprinkl� with th� h�rbs.
  2. In a larg� skill�t, h�at th� v�g�tabl� oil. Add th� bacon and cook ov�r mod�rat� h�at until crisp, about 6 minut�s. Using a slott�d spoon, transf�r th� bacon to a m�dium nonr�activ� roasting pan. Working in two batch�s, add th� ribs to th� skill�t and cook ov�r mod�rat�ly high h�at, turning a f�w tim�s, until richly brown�d, about 6 minut�s p�r batch. Transf�r th� ribs to th� roasting pan.
  3. Add th� onion, carrot and c�l�ry to th� skill�t and cook ov�r mod�rat�ly high h�at, stirring occasionally, until lightly brown�d, about 5 minut�s. Add th� win� and b��f broth and boil, scraping up th� brown�d bits from th� bottom of th� skill�t. Pour th� liquid and v�g�tabl�s ov�r th� ribs. Cov�r and brais� in th� ov�n for about 4 hours, turning th� ribs onc�, until th� m�at is v�ry t�nd�r.
G�t original r�cip� @flavorite.

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