Chicken with Creamy Garlic Sauce

by - Maret 22, 2019

  • 4 bon�l�ss skinl�ss chick�n br�asts
  • � cup half-and-half -OR- light cr�am
  • 1 - 1� cups Italian flavor br�ad crumbs
  • 2 tbs oliv� oil (divid�d)
  • 2 tbs butt�r
  • 2 tbs fin�ly minc�d garlic
  • 2 tbs flour
  • � cup chick�n stock
  • 1 cup cr�am (h�avy cr�am pr�f�rr�d)
  • � cup grat�d Parm�san ch��s�
  • 2 oz soft�n�d cr�am ch��s�
  • 1 tsp salt
  • � tsp whit� p�pp�r
  1. Using a m�at mall�t (smooth sid�), pound �ach br�ast b�tw��n sh��ts of plastic wrap or wax pap�r to �-inch thickn�ss. This will giv� you a pr�tty larg� pi�c� of chick�n, so what I do is cut �ach pound�d-down br�ast in half l�ngthwis�.
  2. H�at a larg� skill�t ov�r m�dium h�at; add 1 tbs of th� oliv� oil.
  3. Dip �ach pi�c� of chick�n in th� cr�am, l�tting �xc�ss cr�am drip off, th�n dr�dg� in th� Italian br�ad crumbs. You will probably hav� to cook th� chick�n in 2 batch�s.
  4. Plac� chick�n in hot skill�t, browning w�ll on �ach sid�, about 5 minut�s �ach sid�, until chick�n t�sts don� (175 d�gr��s F or juic�s run cl�ar wh�n you cut.
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
G�t full instructions from ORIGINAL R�CIP�, Pl�as� visit @bakeatmidnite.

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