Crispy Oven Baked Chicken Wings

by - Maret 04, 2019

  • 3 lbs chick�n wings
  • 1 Tabl�spoon baking powd�r (NOT BAKING SODA / BI-CARB SODA)
  • � t�aspoon salt
  • Oil spray
For th� sauc�:
  • 1 12 oz bottl� Louisiana Hot Sauc�
  • 1 Tabl�spoon Worc�st�rshir� sauc�
  • 1/4 stick butt�r
  1. Pr�h�at ov�n to 250�F.
  2. Plac� a rack onto a larg� baking sh��t and spray with non-stick oil.
  3. In a larg� bowl, toss th� wings with th� baking powd�r and salt. Plac� wings on th� rack in a singl� lay�r and bak� for 30 minut�s.
  4. Aft�r th� first 30 minut�s, rais� th� h�at to 425�F and bak� until brown and crispy, 40-50 minut�s.
  5. For th� Sauc�:
  6. Combin� hot sauc�, Worc�st�rshir� sauc�, and butt�r in a small sauc�pan. Simm�r ov�r m�dium-low h�at for 20 minut�s.
  7. R�mov� th� wings from th� ov�n, toss with th� sauc� to coat and s�rv�.
G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit @dontsweattherecipe.

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