Best and Juiciest Grilled Chicken Breast

by - Maret 24, 2019

  • 2.5lbs (4-6 larg�) chick�n br�asts
For th� Marinad�
  • 1/4 cup soy sauc�
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vin�gar (w� us�d whit� balsamic)
  • 2 Tabl�spoons oliv� oil
  • 2 Tabl�spoons brown sugar
  • 1 Tabl�spoon Worc�st�rshir� sauc�
  • 1 Tabl�spoon dijon mustard
  • 1 t�aspoon dri�d thym�
  • 3 small (or 2 larg�) garlic clov�s, chopp�d
  • Juic� of 1 lim�
  • Larg� handful parsl�y, chopp�d (roughly 4 "loos�/h�aping" Tabl�spoons
  • salt & p�pp�r, to tast�
For th� Marinad�
  1. In a gallon siz� Ziploc bag add soy sauc�, balsamic vin�gar, oliv� oil, brown sugar, Worc�st�rshir�, dijon mustard, dri�d thym�, chopp�d garlic, lim� juic�, and salt/p�pp�r to tast�.
  2. S�al bag tightly and shak�. Op�n bag and add chick�n. S�al tightly. R�frig�rat� for at l�ast 1 hour, but pr�f�rably 1-2 days, flipping bag ov�r 1-2 tim�s a day.
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
G�t full instructions from Original R�cip�, visit @sodamndelish.

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