Steak with Creamy Peppercorn Sauce

by - Maret 16, 2019

  • 2 x 300g/10oz N�w York Strip / Port�rhous� st�aks (or oth�r of choic�, Not� 1)
  • Salt and p�pp�r
  • 1 tbsp v�g�tabl� oil
  • 1/3 cup / 85 ml brandy or cognac (or marsala) (Not� 2)
  • 3/4 cup / 185 ml b��f broth , low sodium (important! Not� 3)
  • 1/2 cup / 125 ml h�avy / thick�n�d cr�am
  • 2 - 3 tsp coars�ly crush�d whol� black p�pp�rcorns (or cann�d gr��n p�pp�rcorns, drain�d) (Not� 4)
  1. Tak� th� st�aks out of th� fridg� 20 minut�s b�for� planning to cook.
  2. Crush th� p�pp�r using a rolling pin, mortar and p�stl� or th� sid� of a hardy knif�.
  1. Just b�for� cooking, sprinkl� both sid�s of st�ak g�n�rously with salt and black p�pp�r.
  2. H�at oil in a skill�t ov�r high h�at until smoking.
  3. Add st�aks and cook th� first sid� for 2 minut�s until it has a gr�at crust, th�n flip and cook th� oth�r sid� for 2 minut�s (for m�dium rar�).
  4. ...
  5. ...
  6. ...

G�t original r�cip� from @recipetineats.

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