Grandma�s Old-Fashioned Rich Fudge Brownies

by - Februari 26, 2019

  • 4 ounc�s (113 grams) unsw��t�n�d chocolat�, such as Bak�r�s� or Dagoba�
  • 1 cup (112 grams) sift�d all-purpos� flour, such as Gold M�dal�
  • 6 tabl�spoons (30 grams) sift�d unsw��t�n�d cocoa, such as H�RSH�Y�S, I us�d Sp�cial Dark�
  • � t�aspoon (6 grams) kosh�r salt (or � t�aspoon s�a salt or tabl� salt)
  • 1 cup (200 grams) organic granulat�d can� sugar
  • 1 cup (200 grams) pack�d organic light brown can� sugar
  • � cup (112 grams) organic �xtra-virgin coconut oil, such as Nutiva�, m�lt�d
  • 4 larg� �ggs (min� w�igh�d 206 grams w/o sh�lls), slightly b�at�n
  • 2 t�aspoons (10 ml) pur� vanilla �xtract, such as Ni�ls�n-Mass�y�
  • � cup (90 grams) chopp�d nuts, such as walnuts or p�cans, optional
  1. Pr�h�at ov�n to 350�F. Pr�par� 9-inch squar� baking pan with aluminum foil by first turning pan upsid� down. (I lik� to us� my Williams-Sonoma Goldtouch� Nonstick Squar� Cak� Pan.) C�nt�r a 13-inch pi�c� of foil shiny-sid� down ov�r th� pan. Car�fully pr�ss down on th� sid�s, folding corn�rs, to shap� th� foil snugly around pan without t�aring. R�mov� th� foil k��ping its shap�. Plac� shap�d foil into pan and pr�ss into plac� along bottom and sid�s. With a pi�c� of plastic wrap, gr�as� th� foil along bottom and sid�s of pan with coconut oil. This will cr�at� �handl�s� which will h�lp r�moving bars from pan and to �asily transf�r to cutting board to cut into �v�n bars.
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G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit @wickedgoodkitchen.

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