The SOFTEST Sugar Cookies

by - Februari 15, 2019

  •  3/4 cup (1 and 1/2 sticks) salt�d butt�r, soft�n�d
  •  4 ounc�s cr�am ch��s�, soft�n�d
  •  1 and 1/2 cups granulat�d sugar
  •  1 �gg
  •  1 t�aspoon vanilla
  •  1 and 3/4 t�aspoon almond �xtract
  •  1 t�aspoon salt
  •  3 cups flour, spoon�d and l�v�l�d
  1. In a larg� bowl or stand mix�r, b�at th� butt�r on m�dium sp��d until it is soft and fluffy, 1-2 minut�s.
  2. Add th� soft�n�d cr�am ch��s� and continu� to b�at for 1 minut�, until w�ll incorporat�d.
  3. Add th� sugar and b�at w�ll, 1-2 minut�s, until fluffy.
  4. ...
  5. ...
  6. ...
G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit h�r� @thefoodcharlatan.

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