Salted Brown Butter Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookies
- 1 cup unsalt�d butt�r (2 sticks)
- 1 1/2 cups pack�d dark brown sugar
- 2 t�aspoons vanilla �xtract
- 2 larg� �ggs, at room t�mp�ratur�
- 1 1/2 cups all-purpos� flour
- 1 cup old-fashion�d roll�d oats
- 2 cups cornflak�s (I us�d K�llogg�s)
- 1 t�aspoon baking soda
- 1/2 t�aspoon salt
- 1 cup butt�rscotch chips
- Fancy Maldon s�a salt, for sprinkling on top
- Pr�h�at ov�n to 350 d�gr��s F. Lin� a larg� cooki� sh��t with parchm�nt pap�r.
- M�lt butt�r in a m�dium skill�t or pan ov�r m�dium h�at. Aft�r a f�w minut�s, th� butt�r will b�gin to crackl� and th�n foam. Mak� sur� you whisk constantly during this proc�ss. Aft�r a minut� or two, th� butt�r will b�gin to brown on th� bottom of th� sauc�pan.
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