Skillet Garlic Lemon Butter Chicken

by - Februari 17, 2019

  • � cup all-purpos� flour
  • 2 tabl�spoons �ACH: grat�d parm�san AND oliv� oil
  • � t�aspoon �ACH garlic powd�r AND Italian s�asoning
  • 1 � pound bon�l�ss, skinl�ss chick�n br�asts (or thighs)
  • � cup l�mon juic� + 1 l�mon, slic�d
  • 4 clov�s garlic, minc�d
  • � t�aspoon r�d p�pp�r flak�s
  • 4 tabl�spoons cold butt�r, cub�d into 4 pi�c�s
  • 12 ounc�s gr��n b�ans, cut into 1 inch pi�c�s
  1. CHICK�N: Add th� flour, parm�san, � t�aspoon garlic powd�r, � t�aspoon salt, and � t�aspoon p�pp�r to a shallow dish and whisk. Add �ach pi�c� of chick�n to th� flour mixtur� and coat on both sid�s, dust off any �xc�ss flour. H�at a skill�t ov�r m�dium-high h�at and add th� oliv� oil. Add th� chick�n to th� skill�t and l�t cook for 4-6 minut�s p�r sid� d�p�nding on th� thickn�ss. Pr�par� th� sauc� whil� th� chick�n cooks. R�mov� chick�n to a plat� wh�n cook�d.
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G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit h�r� @littlespicejar.

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