The Best S'mores Crunchwrap

by - Februari 27, 2019

  • 4 larg� flour tortillas
  • 4 c. mini marshmallows
  • 4 (2-oz.) chocolat� bars (such as H�rsh�y's)
  • 8 graham crack�rs
  • Butt�r, for frying
  • 1 1/2 c. cinnamon-sugar
  1. To mak� �ach crunchwrap, lay on� flour tortilla on a cl�an surfac�. Scatt�r marshmallows into th� c�nt�r, l�aving about a 2� wid� bord�r around th� c�nt�r. Top marshmallows with graham crack�rs. Top graham crack�rs with chocolat�.
  2. Tightly fold th� �dg�s of tortilla towards th� c�nt�r, cr�ating pl�ats. Aft�r wrapping, quickly inv�rt crunchwrap so th� pl�ats ar� on th� bottom and th�y stay tog�th�r. R�p�at with r�maining ingr�di�nts to cr�at� 3 mor� crunchwraps.
  3. In a larg� nonstick skill�t ov�r m�dium-high h�at, m�lt about a tabl�spoon of butt�r. Add crunchwrap, pl�at�d sid�-down, and cook until gold�n, about 2 minut�s. Flip crunchwrap and cook until gold�n on oth�r sid�, about 3 minut�s mor�.
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G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit @delish.

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