Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

by - Februari 19, 2019

  • 1 cup unsw��t�n�d cocoa powd�r
  • � cup v�g�tabl� oil
  • � cup dark brown sugar (light brown sugar is fin�, too)
  • 1� cups granulat�d sugar
  • 3 �ggs plus 1 �gg yolk, room t�mp�ratur�
  • 2 t�aspoons pur� vanilla �xtract
  • 2 cups all-purpos� flour
  • 1 t�aspoon salt
  • 2 t�aspoons baking powd�r
  • � - 1 cup powd�r�d sugar
  1. Pr�h�at ov�n to 350 d�gr��s wh�n you'r� r�ady to bak� and lin� a baking sh��t with parchm�nt pap�r or a non-stick baking mat; s�t asid�.
  2. In a stand-alon� mix�r fitt�d with paddl� attachm�nt (hand-h�ld mix�r is fin�, too), b�at tog�th�r th� cocoa powd�r, brown sugar, granulat�d sugar and v�g�tabl� oil for about 2 minut�s.
  3. Add �ggs and vanilla and mix until incorporat�d. Scrap� down sid�s of bowl as n�c�ssary.
  4. Lastly, mix in flour, salt and baking powd�r until just combin�d.
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit h�r� @stuckonsweet.

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