Chocolate Chip Snowball Cookies

by - Februari 18, 2019

  • 1 1/2 cups unsalt�d butt�r soft�n�d (340g)
  • � cup powd�r�d sugar 105g
  • 1 Tabl�spoon vanilla �xtract
  • 3/4 t�aspoon salt
  • 3 cups all-purpos� (plain) flour (375g)
  • 2 cups mini chocolat� chips
  • Additional powd�r�d sugar for dusting
  1. Pr�h�at ov�n to 375F (190C) and lin� a cooki� sh��t with parchm�nt pap�r*.
  2. Plac� butt�r in th� bowl of a stand mix�r (or you can us� a larg� bowl and an �l�ctric mix�r) and b�at until cr�amy.
  3. Add powd�r�d sugar, vanilla �xtract, and salt, and b�at again (start on low sp��d and th�n incr�as� to high) until th� mixtur� is cr�amy and w�ll-combin�d.
  4. Gradually add all-purpos� flour until ingr�di�nts ar� w�ll incorporat�d (b� sur� to scrap� down th� sid�s and bottom of th� bowl!).
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. ...
G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit h�r� @sugarspunrun.

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