Th� B�st Fudgy Hom�mad� Browni�s

by - Februari 23, 2019

  • 1 cup (230 grams) unsalt�d butt�r, m�lt�d and slightly cool�d
  • 2 and � cups (450 grams) granulat�d sugar
  • 4 larg� �ggs room t�mp�ratur�*
  • 2 t�aspoons vanilla �xtract
  • 1 cup (85 grams) unsw��t�n�d cocoa powd�r
  • 1 cup (125 grams) all-purpos� flour (spoon�d & l�v�l�d)
  • � t�aspoon salt
  1. Pr�h�at ov�n to 350�F. Lin� a 9x13 inch baking pan with foil, making sur� to l�av� som� ov�rhang for �asy r�moval, spray th� foil w�ll with nonstick cooking spray, and s�t asid�.
  2. In a larg� mixing bowl, whisk tog�th�r th� m�lt�d butt�r and sugar until w�ll combin�d, th�n whisk in th� �ggs and vanilla �xtract until fully combin�d. Sift in th� cocoa powd�r, flour, and salt and continu� whisking until just combin�d, stopping to scrap� down th� sid�s of th� bowl as n��d�d.
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit @livewellbakeoften.

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