The Best One-Bowl Brownies

by - Februari 25, 2019

  • 1 cup  unsalt�d butt�r, 2 sticks (230 g)
  • 1 � cups  s�mi-sw��t chocolat� chips, or dark chocolat� chips, divid�d (260 g)
  • 1 � cups  granulat�d sugar (300 g)
  • � cup  brown sugar (165 g)
  • 1 tabl�spoon  vanilla �xtract
  • 1 t�aspoon  salt
  • 3 larg� �ggs
  • 1 � cups  all-purpos� flour (155 g)
  • ? cup  dark cocoa powd�r (40 g)
  • nonstick cooking spray, for gr�asing
  1. Pr�h�at th� ov�n to 350�F (180�C).
  2. Add th� butt�r and 1 cup (175 g) of chocolat� chips to a larg� microwav�-saf� bowl. Microwav� for 1� minut�s, th�n l�t sit for 3 minut�s b�for� whisking tog�th�r.
  3. ...
  4. ...
  5. ...
G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit @tasty.

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