Brined and Smoked Chicken Thighs

by - Februari 21, 2019

  • 5.5 lb. Bon� In & Skin On Chick�n Thighs;
  • 1/2 a bottl� of Dry Whit� Win�;
  • 4 cups Wat�r (if it do�sn�t fully subm�rg� th� chick�n add mor�);
  • 1 cup Kosh�r Salt;
  • 1 cup Poultry Rub (us� mor� if n��d�d to coat th� chick�n).
  1. In a d��p buck�t or pot add win�, wat�r, and kosh�r salt. Mix throughly till salt dissolv�s;
  2. Add chick�n thighs to th� brin�. Cov�r and plac� in th� fridg� for 5 hours;
  3. R�mov� chick�n from brin� and pat dry with a pap�r tow�l;
  4. Rub chick�n throughly in th� poultry brin� or your own favorit� rub.
  5. Plac� chick�n in a smok�r or barb�cu� and cook low and slow at 275�f;
G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit @sugarfreechic.

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