Fudgy Oreo Brownies

by - Februari 28, 2019

  • 1 and 1/4 sticks unsalt�d butt�r 140g
  • 1 and 1/2 cups granulat�d sugar 300g
  • 3/4 cup cocoa powd�r 75g
  • 1/4 t�aspoon salt
  • 2 larg� �ggs cold
  • 2 t�aspoons vanilla �xtract
  • 1/2 cup plain/all-purpos� flour 60g
  • 1/2 cup chocolat� chips 90g
  • 16 Or�os whol�
  • Or�os chopp�d
  1. Pr�h�at th� ov�n to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Lin� an 8x8-inch squar� baking pan with foil or parchm�nt pap�r, and s�t asid�.
  2. Plac� th� butt�r, sugar, cocoa powd�r, and salt into a microwav�-saf� bowl, and h�at for 1 minut�. Stir w�ll, th�n microwav� for anoth�r minut�. Th� mixtur� should v�ry warm to th� touch.
  3. Add th� �ggs and vanilla, and mix w�ll until combin�d. Fold in th� flour until fully combin�d, th�n g�ntly fold in th� chocolat� chips. B� sur� not to l�t th�m ALL m�lt into th� warm batt�r.
  4. Pour half of th� batt�r into th� pr�par�d pan, and spr�ad out �v�nly. Plac� th� whol� Or�os �v�nly ov�r th� batt�r, and top with th� r�maining batt�r. Top with th� chopp�d Or�os.
  5. Bak� for 30 - 35 minut�s, or until a toothpick ins�rt�d into th� c�ntr� com�s out almost cl�an with a f�w moist crumbs. Allow to cool compl�t�ly in th� pan on a wir� rack b�for� cutting into squar�s.
G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit h�r� @marshasbakingaddiction.

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