Teriyaki Chicken with Broccoli

by - Februari 19, 2019

  • 1 lb bon�l�ss, skinl�ss chick�n br�ast, cut into 1 inch pi�c�s
  • 1 salt, to tast�
  • 1 black p�pp�r, to tast�
  • 2 clov� garlic, minc�d
  • 4 gr��n onion, gr��n and whit� parts, chopp�d
  • 1/2 cup low sodium chick�n broth
  • 2 tbsp t�riyaki sauc�
  • 2 cup brown ric�, cook�d and k�pt hot
  • 4 cup broccoli, cut into flor�ts and st�am�d
  1. S�ason chick�n with salt and black p�pp�r to tast�. Spray a larg� nonstick skill�t with cooking spray and h�at ov�r m�dium-high h�at. Add garlic and saut� for about 1 minut�. Add chick�n and stir fry for 5 minut�s or until brown�d on all sid�s. Add gr��n onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 minut�s or until soft�n�d. Add chick�n broth and t�riyaki sauc� and simm�r for 5 minut�s or until th� chick�n is cook�d through and th� sauc� has r�duc�d slightly.
  2. �v�nly divid� brown ric� among 4 plat�s or shallow bowls. Top �ach with about 1 cup �ach of chick�n and broccoli.
G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit h�r� @kitchme.

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