Chocolate Chip Brownie Tarts

by - Februari 28, 2019

Cooki� Crust:
  • 5 Tabl�spoons unsalt�d butt�r, soft�n�d
  • � cup light brown sugar
  • 1 �gg yolk (from a larg� �gg)
  • � cup plus 1 tbsp all purpos� flour
  • scant pinch salt
  • ? cup mini chocolat� chips
Browni� Filling:
  • 6 Tabl�spoons unsalt�d butt�r
  • � cup granulat�d sugar
  • � cup unsw��t�n�d cocoa powd�r
  • 1 larg� �gg
  • � t�aspoon vanilla �xtract
  • 3 Tabl�spoons all purpos� flour
  • Maldon or oth�r larg�-grain salt, for topping (optional)
  1. Pr�h�at th� ov�n to 325 F. Gr�as� a mini muffin tin.
  2. To mak� th� cooki� crust, in a small bowl b�at tog�th�r th� butt�r and sugar until light and fluffy (do this by hand with a wood�n spoon or in a standing mix�r). Add th� �gg yolk and mix. Add th� flour and salt and mix until w�ll combin�d. Stir in mini chocolat� chips. Put th� bowl in th� r�frig�rator to chill whil� making th� browni� filling (this will mak� it �asi�r to handl�).
  3. For th� browni� filling, h�at th� butt�r on th� stov� or in th� microwav�, just until m�lt�d. Whisk in sugar and cocoa powd�r until smooth. S�t asid� until only slightly warm to th� touch, about 5 minut�s. Using a wood�n spoon stir in th� �gg and vanilla until �v�nly �ncorporat�d. Add flour and stir until smooth.
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G�t full r�cip�, pl�as� visit h�r� @inquiringchef.

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