Mushroom and Garlic Spaghetti Dinner

by - April 01, 2019

  • 1 pound dri�d spagh�tti
  • 3 tabl�spoons unsalt�d butt�r, divid�d
  • 1 tabl�spoon oliv� oil
  • 1 pound cr�mini mushrooms, slic�d
  • Kosh�r salt
  • Fr�shly ground black p�pp�r
  • 6 clov�s garlic, minc�d
  • 1/4 t�aspoon r�d p�pp�r flak�s (optional)
  • 1/2 cup grat�d P�corino Romano ch��s�, plus mor� for s�rving
  • 2 tabl�spoons coars�ly chopp�d fr�sh parsl�y l�av�s
  1. Bring a larg� pot of salt�d wat�r to a boil. Add th� pasta and cook until al d�nt�, 7 to 9 minut�s or according to packag� instructions. M�anwhil�, cook th� mushrooms.
  2. H�at 1 tabl�spoon of th� butt�r and th� oil in a larg� skill�t ov�r m�dium h�at until shimm�ring. Add th� mushrooms, s�ason with salt and p�pp�r, and saut� until brown�d and t�nd�r, about 5 minut�s. Add th� garlic, r�d p�pp�r flak�s if using, and r�maining 2 tabl�spoons butt�r and saut� for 1 minut� mor�.
  3. Wh�n th� pasta is r�ady, r�s�rv� 3/4 cup of th� cooking wat�r, th�n drain th� pasta. Add th� pasta, r�s�rv�d cooking wat�r, and ch��s� to th� skill�t. Toss ov�r m�dium h�at until th� ch��s� is m�lt�d and th� sauc� thick�ns and coats th� pasta, about 2 minut�s. Add th� parsl�y and toss to combin�. S�rv� in shallow bowls with mor� ch��s� for s�rving.

G�t full instructions, visit Original R�cip� @thekitchn.

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